Can certain diseases be prevented?
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Can certain diseases be prevented?

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For a long time, scientist debated whether the influences of a gene at an early stage can cause permanent damages. Well, early stages of development do have a lasting impact on your DNA, but there are many ways to go about reversing this type of damage. Scientist have been studying the many benefits of using your epigenetics optimally by changing diet, and environmental factors. Epigenetics is the study of stable phenotypic changes that do not involve alternations.

Topics like epigenetics study the natural process of gene regulation that is established in the early days of gestation in the womb. it can also refer to the mechanism of changes, like how genes can be expressed. Topics like epigenetic principle have sparked conversions on whether adults can actually change their genetic makeup naturally. No, you won’t be able to change your eye color, or opt in for superpowers. The purpose of changing your DNA, would be to reverse the damage done to it by the many factors your environment promotes. Factors like diet, disease exposure, drug abuse, exercise, financial status, microbiome, and more can affect your epigenetic position. A sever environmental factor can either turn off necessary genes or turn on damaging genes This can lead to disorders that can persist unseen for years. (Epstein, 2015)

Take the study of kids with autism for an example. There was a study that showed kids with autism had low levels of B6 deficiency, and elevates toxic metals like mercury, cadmium, and lead. They also had high copper and lower zinc levels. Scientist also discovered that kids with autism were undermethylated which became a distinctive feature. Undermethylation also known as histadelia, is when a low amount of hydrogen atoms works to regulate neurotransmitter activity. Undermethylation in the womb causes overexpression of several genes, weakened protection against oxidative stress, and increased vulnerability to environmental insults. Since there is a spectrum of development for people like this, some often seem to be perfectionists, and highly competitive. They tend to be high achievers that strive for high career accomplishments.

It is important to take notice to these factors because altered gene expression can result in abnormal brain development. It can also cause a tendency for brain inflammation, which lead to physical problems like weakened immunity, sensitivity to toxins and certain foods.

What can you do?

Experts in the nutrition science field talk about the epigenetic impact of diet and lifestyle on health. Proper diets can help signal certain genes to turn on within the body. You can suggest the supplements listed above, and also promote serotonin which herbs like gingko balboa, turmeric, and ginseng extract. If you would like to officially get a diagnostic, you can seek testing and biochemical evaluation at Mensah Medical.

Keep up with our blog posts, to uncover your biochemical potential with divineethics!


The Epigenetic Theory of Autism (

7 Foods That Reverse DNA Damage — Eat This Not That

What is Epigenetics? The Answer to the Nature vs. Nurture Debate (

Plant-Based Therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorders (

How Diet Can Change Your DNA – Scientific American

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