Do you want a career in Herbalism?
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Do you want a career in Herbalism?

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There are many ways for you to make money learning Herbs, here are a few.

The following is a list of areas that could bring you to your dream job with the education and supplementation of our Herbal programs.

But to take it all to the next level, including the possibility of making a career change, takes education.

So where is this all heading? We are delighted to share some excellent news. The fields related to alternative medicine and holistic healing are growing rapidly. As you probably know, people are moving farther away from westernized and mainstream medicine. Therefore, alternative and holistic health practices are experiencing a resurgence. (1)

  1. Clinical Herbalism, wherein you work with clients one-on-one
  2. Growing herbs
  3. Selling herbal products/Medicine Making
  4. Teaching
  5. Public speaking and other advocacy
  6. Blogging, freelancing and other writing
  7. Consulting &/or Formulating
  8. Herb shop owner or consultant
  9. Natural and/or mind-body medicine clinician
  10. Herb pharmacist
  11. Agriculturist
  12. Massage Therapist
  13. Nutritionist
  14. Acupuncturist
  15. Nursing (all areas)
  16. Osteopathist (DO)
  17. Physical therapist
  18. Wholistic skin specialist
  19. Reflexologist
  20. Kinesiologist
  21. Chiropractor
  22. Biologist
  23. Environmental scientist
  24. Botanist/Ethnobotanist
  25. Exercise scientist
  26. Dietician
  27. Caregiver
  28. Life Coach
  29. Social Worker
  30. Mental Health Specialist
  31. Chef
  32. Yoga Instructor
  33. Reiki Master

This is a shortlist, the options go on and on.

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