The best herbal teas for beast mode in the gym
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The best herbal teas for beast mode in the gym

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If you are anything like me, I am terrified of the possible side effects that pre-workouts can bring. I would love scientist to test the long term effects of pre-workout powders on the gut and hormones. It is some articles but not recent enough to hold value. An excessive use of pre-workout powders can inhibit digestive issues, effect your blood pressure, and more. With that being said if you’re going to take a pre-workout powder, it should be high quality, with scientifically backed ingredients, and only taken a few times a week.

The results you want can be achieved without a pre-workout enhancer. You can use herbal teas, that have a similar effect with a significantly less chance of long term issues. All pre-workouts do is give you a jolt of energy. This feels like a rocket taking off, but also feels like rocket landing without a pilot. You can get a slightly better feeling from certain herbal teas.

Some herbal teas are the best natural and alternative options for a pre-workout. This can help with giving you a natural energy boost before your gym session. It not only helps you with the boost but helps with your muscle recovery after a session.

Most caffeine infused:

Rosemary Tea herb helps increase cognitive performance and improve your memory, focus, and alertness. Rosemary has been proven to improve blood circulation and has powerful antioxidant properties that help neutralize free radicals. Gotu Kola Tea is also known as the “herb of longevity”. This herb can help the brain balance itself out and also support mental alertness. This is herb is my gotu for my cognitive needs.

No caffeine:

These alternative tea options are some of the best picks because they contain no coffee. Drinking tea before a workout can extend the duration of your exercise routine, increase hydration levels, and improve the fat burning potential. They help ease muscles after an intense workout. Peppermint Tea is great for anti-inflammatory control, it helps the body gather more energy than usual. You can also use ginger tea, lemon balm, sage tea, ginkgo tea, green tea, and oolong tea for pre-gym energy boosting effects.

Editors pick:

Pu-Erh Tea:

Pu-erh tea is a type of black tea made from fermented and aged tea leaves. It taste slightly bitter but studies have shown this tea can be beneficial to weight loss and maintaining healthy LDL cholesterol levels. It does have a higher amount of caffeine than other teas, so it makes for a great morning tea! Limit drinking this tea to two cups a day.

Closing Remarks:

Did you reach your body goals this year? Were they achievable or are they being saved for next year? Use herbs listed above to help work towards your next fitness goal. “Summer bodies” are out of style, lets normalize healthy bodies. It is okay to embrace every part of your fitness journey. The gym helps people honor their bodies but are you really loving the process? From the pre-workout, to post-workout. You have to fuel your body then help your body retain energy after you workout. The best way to do that is to consume natural supplements, that don’t crash the body.

Using the right herbal products can help boost your performance in the gym, help with recovery and help sharpen your mind over time.

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