Should we normalize manly self-care days?
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Should we normalize manly self-care days?

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What does a manly self-care day look like to you?

The narrative around self-care days for our brothers, fathers, uncles, and sons should be widely accepted. A few influencers on social media are paving the way by showing audiences, what male hygienic products they like, how they relax, the products they use to help set the mood. It’s a beautiful thing seeing what some men like to indulge in when it’s time to wind down and balance themselves with the workload. It is important for men to get in touch with themselves so they won’t let their crowns fall too far down.

trendy african american man stroking dog while working on netbook at home
Photo by Zen Chung on

Self-Care days for men should look like a day or hour where you can release stress, and have some time for yourself. That could look like lighting some candles, eating your favorite meal while watching Netflix. It could also look like putting your favorite essential oil burner to calm your sense, using a dim light lamp, listening to 528 HZ, and laying on your couch. You can organize your life, but the purpose of this is to give you some alone time to rediscover yourself.

Nothing about self-care is 100% about women, but the topic does have something. todo with men tapping into their feminine nature. It helps create a much-needed balance. It creates a space for self-development and helps men feel more in tune with women. Self Care days for men are beyond the outside but should focus on how these days make them feel.

Some Hertz you should try out:

  • 396 Hz helps calm anxiety, worries, and deep subconscious fears.
  • 417 Hz helps to remove negative energy like past trauma and energy drainers. (We all have one of them)
  • 852 Hz helps clear destructive energy from your aura, let go of fear, overthinking, and worries with this frequency
  • 256 Hz helps with blocked energy, play this when you need to calm your nerves

Some great tools for a fellas day off:

Take some time away from your phone, away from distractions, and release stress. These tools can help you experience a period in life where time only exists to serve you.

I get paid a percentage by amazon for some suggestions. They are still ethical properly sourced and curated just for you.

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