Personal Post #4 My experience with skin discoloration
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Personal Post #4 My experience with skin discoloration

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Vitiligo is more common then you think

For a couple months now I have been noticing slight changes in the skin on my hands. Near my nail beds, It was starting to turn white. I was shocked but didn’t know what to do. This blind sided me because I didn’t know where this came from or how to prevent it. I went down the holistic rabbit hole to decide my plan of action and never looked back. I researched what could cause vitiligo. What is genetic? Or what is poor dieting?

I researched what could cause vitiligo and how to prevent it. I came across articles about vitamin deficiencies, allergies and more. It got me to think about what I was potentially allergic to.

I decided to take a closer look at what I ate, and the toxins I could be exposed to. I picked up a food journal and started documenting everything I consumed. At the time this was mostly plant based but it wasn’t strictly plant based. I noticed this because I tried to keep a good regime but like most humans I would fall astray to cravings. I would eat fast food here and there, and make excuses about it. This time was different because I wanted to get down to the bottom of this.

I ended up taking a three month class with a naturopathic doctor. It was around week 4 when she introduced us to “Carrol Food Intolerance Test”, it was deemed the most accurate test you could take for discovering what foods you were intolerant to. I was curious because its one thing to be allergic, its another to not care for a certain type of food but to be intolerant was a serious topic people didn’t talk about. Its like being in love with mangos all your life, even though they cause a little bit of stomach discomfort. Only to find out after testing that if you continue to eat them you could invite numerous diseases into the body. A slow killer. I learned about allergies make vitiligo spread, i.e eating potatoes when Im intolerant to potatoes would make my skin discoloration worse. So I had to get into proactive mode and curate my diet even more. When you’re trying to eat to “prevent” vitiligo you should focus on boosting the immune system with foods rich in phytochemicals, beta carotene, and antioxidants to slow down disease progression; avoiding foods that contain hydroquinones, which have depigmentation properties; avoiding citrus fruits and turmeric as they can result in additional skin problems; and avoiding red meat and dairy, especially if you have an allergy, as they can negatively impact your vitiligo. So try to include more omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and vitamin D in your diet. You should also limit exposure to other toxic chemicals found in detergents, plastic water bottles, and any environments you are involved in.

Well, after my results came back I found out I was intolerant to potatoes and fruit with sugar. It was so peculiar because I loved potatoes but it was too starchy to have in my diet so I would eat sweet potatoes or limit myself to just having fires at fast food places instead of the whole meals. I would also mix fruit and low fat sugar when I got smoothies. Low and behold it was all bad. I was only supposed to be eating potatoes once a month at the most. Thats a huge change for me because I like how hearty potatoes make my plate, since I only eat fish and plant based items. I had to make a drastic change so I could get my body to optimal health. It was beyond important to me to be the example, go through all these emotions, and take these necessary test to learn new things about my body.

Stay tuned to see how my diet has changed since taking the Carrol test, I will be posting updates!

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